
Tuesday, 29 April 2008


1. I have been a firm propagator of owning a personal house rather than having a flat as a house gives me the owner ship of the house title, to modify it or restructure it from a scratch whereas in case of a flat a person does not have any land holding.

2. Thus so far I have propagated people to buy personal land because it is a gold miner and one can construct the same as per whims and fancies and who knows tomorrow one may be a billionaire courtesy the land crunch which is occuring in the market.

3. However take that much loan only with which one is comfortable. Moreover one should make sure that if area is prone to anti social elements than all said and done, one should go for a flat by virtue of social security available.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Competitively priced second mortgage

1. Getting a competitive deal is a prerequisite if one wants to have loans with which one is comfortable while making the monthly payment. One can say that one can get a competitively priced refinance second mortgage and for that one can visit the portal which is providing free quotes without any obligation.

2. The interface of the site is user friendly where one can search for property as per the type which may range from single family, multi family, town house and condo and all the more one can search the same as per the state also. Thus one can get second mortgage at optimum price and one is still a chooser as one is getting atleast 4 quotes to choose from and thus one is able to lock in a low fixed rate. is a known fact that California has the highest priced property but by using 4mortgageratequotes online search engine one can refinance california mortgage at competitive rates which can save people from paying additional thousands of dollars and thus will eventually help them to pay their home faster.

Property Supply outstripping demand

1. Indian property market has achieved its peak and one can even wait for a few years to get the most competitively priced deal.

2. All those who feel that they have missed the bus need not worry as the property prices are going to be stagnant more or less at these levels for next five years.

3. Thus if one has been eyeing some marvellous property than negotiation will pay handsome dividend as supply is outstripping the demand.


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