
Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Reliable Boat Donations

1. I call a work as a true work for the humanity if the recipient is not charged even a dime for getting benefited from the work and same is true of the works by boat angel which raises funds through Boat Donations and true testimony of their work lies in form of the work being done for the humanity in form of creation of animation DVDs.

2. Their work of anti drug use documentary has been made with a thorough research and has been funded from the funds received by the auction of boats and yachts received through Charity Boat Donations and true to their commitment to help the humanity they are providing the Free DVDs to the users and groups for spreading the message. They are fully professional as they do not even charge a penny even for shipping purposes for the DVDs.

3. Let us all get together and make their work seen by the world as their anti drug use documentary work needs to be projected to the world as the same has been made with a sense of dedication and meticulous planning to bring forth the message to the generation so that the same do not gets astray due to non availability of information. The work is highly acclaimed by incorporation of well known sports personalities as leading cast in the documentary.

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